Friday, June 17, 2022

Oblivious Biden

Published in The Washington Times, June 18, 2022

By Jonathan Imbody

As polls indicate that roughly only one in three Americans approve of his performance, President Biden has responded incongruously with self-congratulatory rhetoric. The inverse relationship between the president's popularity and pronouncements is striking:

As inflation races past income and families choose between eating or driving, Biden responds blithely, "Look, here’s where we are. We have the fastest growing economy in the world. The world. The world."

Monday, June 13, 2022

Biden, the IRS and true healthcare reform

Op-ed published June 11, 2022 in The Western Journal as "Op-Ed: Pay Attention to What Biden and the IRS Are Conspiring On, Because It's Big"

By Jonathan Imbody

With a split Senate and free-falling poll numbers, President Biden is mucking about the bureaucratic swamp to salvage his leftist agenda.

Biden's latest end run around Congress turns a scandalously compliant IRS into a political tool. An Executive Order and presumed behind-the-scenes White House lobbying have convinced the supposedly apolitical tax agency to issue a statute-defying regulation that creates a new government healthcare subsidies affordability test. The White House unwittingly boasts that the plan could reduce the number of uninsured by 200,000, but CBO and health experts estimate that tiny change would cost taxpayers $225,000 per person.

The administration's goal in expanding federal health insurance subsidies is simple and clear--to get more citizens on the government dole and beholden to the party of wealth redistribution.

Monday, May 16, 2022

The evidence of the elite leftists' domination agenda is everywhere

In her insightful editorial, "Stupidity of Nobel laureates (and the White House)," Kelly Sadler succinctly summarizes the cause of runaway government spending and inflation: $6 trillion in stimulus resulting in "too much money chasing too few goods" and also the solution: cut spending and taxes and deregulate.

In the face of disastrous results, why do Biden and his elite Nobel laureates remain wedded to profligate spending and massive government? Because they want to dominate the rest of us as a ruling elite, as modern philosopher-kings. 

Unable to obtain such dominance as individuals or through persuasion, elitist leftists plot to do so collectively, through coercion--as leaders of a de facto authoritarian government.

The evidence of the elite leftists' domination agenda is everywhere:

Rage over the pending reversal of Roe reveals the coercive character of the left

The abortion battle goes to the heart of a democratic republic and highlights a dark side of human nature.

Abortion activists for nearly half a century have relied upon the Supreme Court to silence the opposition, coerce the country and block all efforts to stanch the bloodshed of 60 million innocents. Their tyrannical rage exploded after a leaked draft opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson signaled the overturning of the 1973 Roe v. Wade abortion decision, returning the issue to democratic debate and constitutional federalism.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer immediately invoked biblical language in a scathing statement: "The Republican-appointed Justices’ reported votes to overturn Roe v. Wade would go down as an abomination…."

The pro-abortion group Ruth Sent Us proclaimed, "We’ll be burning the Eucharist to show our disgust for the abuse Catholic Churches have condoned for centuries."

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Biden's Catechetical Dementia

Edited and published in The Federalist, April 27, 2022. Original version is below:

How the administration's abortion ideology-driven assault on faith and conscience threatens care for millions of needy individuals

By Jonathan Imbody[i]

The year is 2024, and the Biden administration's assault on conscience freedoms has taken a tragic toll on the healthcare landscape.

Since the 2022 elimination of U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) conscience protections for health professionals, government-sanctioned discrimination has driven out of medicine persons of faith and pro-life convictions, accelerating and exacerbating the long-predicted physician shortage crisis. The shortage leaves millions of patients, especially the poor and marginalized, without the faith-based care on which they had depended.

From medical students to doctors to hospitals and clinics, no one who hews to Hippocratic or Judeo-Christian ethics can survive the administration's ideological purge of healthcare.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Biden, abortion and conscience

Published by The Washington Times, April 20, 2022

If you are a health professional who follows the Hippocratic oath's proscription against abortion, should a government-funded hospital be allowed to coerce you to participate in abortions against your professional ethics and personal conscience?

Nurse Cathy DeCarlo faced just such coercion, despite her agreement with a hospital that she would not participate in abortions, due to her moral and ethical conscience convictions. The fateful day came when hospital supervisors suddenly demanded she participate in an upcoming abortion, threatening her with a charge of insubordination and abandoning her patient if she refused.

“They threatened my job and my nursing license if I did not take part in the murder of that baby. I felt violated and betrayed," Cathy recalls. Forced to count the body parts of the baby torn apart during the abortion, she says, "It was like something out of a horror film."

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Fauci and subjective scientists


By Jonathan Imbody - - Tuesday, March 22, 2022


By now, many Americans have had it with medical experts, and for good reason.

Too many once-trusted doctors have lied, propagandized and trampled constitutional principles in their pronouncements and mandates.

We now know that the coercive COVID-19 shutdowns and mandates urged by medical experts have had the unintended but predictable consequences of retarding our children’s learning, increasing mental health crises, hamstringing the economy, hampering our military preparedness, dividing the citizenry and much more.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

What are core conservative values?

True Republican values - published in The Washington Times

In "What Republicans should stand for: A midterm legislative agenda for all Americans," (Commentary, Tuesday) Robert Tracci aptly details legislative priorities to advance Republican core values. But how many Americans even know what are core Republican values?
Simple, practical, inspirational core values--articulated by tough and winsome candidates--are the key to conservative victories at the ballot box.
An offering of three simple core conservative values to take to the voters:
1. God grants human rights--not the government. The right to life is the most fundamental, followed by the right to practice our faith, speak our mind and pursue good goals in life.
2. You make better decisions for yourself than the government does. The more power the government has, the less power you have to control your own destiny. You should be making your own decisions in healthcare, education and business with the least possible interference from government.
3. Military might is the best path to peace internationally, and the rule of law and a civil society the best path to peace domestically. The purpose of military is to protect us and others by either posing the threat of destruction or by exercising destruction. The purpose of police is to enforce the laws of the people, through the humane and just but unflinching use of force when necessary. But ultimately, domestic peace hinges on a civil society, a people of moral character and values preserved in community.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Propaganda from political appointees in government health agencies

In a Washington Times opinion piece ("Ministry of Public Enlightenment and COVID-19 fact-checking" Tuesday), Kelly Sadler quotes a virologist explaining how pandemic propaganda today mirrors Nazi propaganda: "The … leaders come in and say, ‘You have this pain, and I and I alone can solve it for you’…. The data is irrelevant."

Political propagandists--who now unfortunately seem to include political appointees in government health agencies--should not be able to survive in a society with a free press. Yet they do so because many journalists today are no more than activists with press passes, ideologues who pass along propaganda from their own party and stifle opposition from opposing parties.

Friday, January 14, 2022

How to seek truth in an era of journalistic activism

Back in the day when I studied journalism at Penn State, as far as I can recall, journalists were still expected to demonstrate some semblance of objectivity. Journalistic objectivity provided a check on politicians and government power and served the public by providing trustworthy information.

How many of us find the media reliable today? Not many, according to polling.

Over time, journalistic objectivity and fact-focus gave way to "interpreting the news for readers." This newfound power appealed to journalists' egos and sense of elitism: They could reform and advance society themselves, like "Philosopher Kings."

Meanwhile, the introduction of new technologies spurred an increase of and competition between media outlets. The pressure to grab market share accelerated a trend in journalism away from fact and evidence and toward emotion and conflict, which sell better among certain audiences.
What these changes leave us with today is no longer journalism but rather ideology wrapped up as news.  And if you don't recognize that fact, you will fall victim to media-fed propaganda.
So many journalists today are no more than activists with press passes, ideologues who see the profession not as fulfilling a duty to report the news, but as presenting an opportunity to shape the news in their own image.
They use their media platform to spread their ideology by killing stories that contradict their views and by rushing to rile the masses with unconfirmed stories shaped to conform to their own ideology.
Of course, facts are stubborn things, and courts or a barrage of undeniable evidence often expose such trumped-up narratives as shameless lies. 
But many journalists have no shame, and they have learned to obscure their failures by dangling the latest shiny object in front of their audiences--an emotion-grabbing storyline that stirs up division, conflict, outrage.
What to do? Work harder to find the truth. 
Instead of depending on media summaries, go to primary sources. 
  • For legislative news, read the text of bills at 
  • For political debates, read transcripts or view the original events instead of media-selected excerpts. For public policy debates, watch events on C-SPAN. 
  • For health-related news, the CDC and NIH still offer some good information, but they are headed by political appointees who can have an agenda, so check out their many critics as well.
As we do more of our own homework to get to the truth, we can still listen to media; we just have to recognize the agenda behind what we're hearing.

Friday, January 7, 2022

Why parents are revolting against school systems

 A USA article"Moms for Liberty: An education army builds" focuses on finding funding sources for the group's modest $300,000 budget when the real story is why so many parents are doing so much with so little.

Parents are revolting against heavy-handed, ideologically driven governments that have used schools as social indoctrination vehicles and, during illogical lockdowns, turned their children into Zoom Zombies.

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The Equality Act would trample on doctors' religious freedom

Published in The Washington Examiner by Jonathan Imbody  | March 29, 2021 Imagine you are a family physician who entered medical school mot...