Monday, May 16, 2022

The evidence of the elite leftists' domination agenda is everywhere

In her insightful editorial, "Stupidity of Nobel laureates (and the White House)," Kelly Sadler succinctly summarizes the cause of runaway government spending and inflation: $6 trillion in stimulus resulting in "too much money chasing too few goods" and also the solution: cut spending and taxes and deregulate.

In the face of disastrous results, why do Biden and his elite Nobel laureates remain wedded to profligate spending and massive government? Because they want to dominate the rest of us as a ruling elite, as modern philosopher-kings. 

Unable to obtain such dominance as individuals or through persuasion, elitist leftists plot to do so collectively, through coercion--as leaders of a de facto authoritarian government.

The evidence of the elite leftists' domination agenda is everywhere:

Education: Make parents submit to leftist indoctrination of their children, beginning with sexual reorientation for kindergartners and progressing through historical revisionism and anti-American propaganda.

Race: Indoctrinate and socially subjugate nearly two-thirds of the population on the basis of their skin color, fomenting race-based warfare through the Marxist propaganda of critical race theory.

Abortion: Cut conscience protections for Hippocratic and faith-based health professionals while funding a third of the $1.5 billion-dollar business of Planned Parenthood, facilitating over a third of a million abortion deaths--the ultimate exercise of dominance over other human beings.

For individual freedom to prevail over such threats of collectivist dominance, we must re-articulate our founding vision of personal liberty, expose the left's lunacy with evidence and reason, and nominate, support and elect wise and courageous candidates. If we persevere, we can win back the hearts and minds of our countrymen--not through dominance but through service, reasonableness, sacrifice and beneficence.

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