Monday, October 23, 2017

Federal Legislation Top Priorities - 2018

Note: The official positions of the Christian Medical Association and its affiliated Freedom2Care cover many policy areas. To maximize impact with current resources, CMA's Washington office focuses on the foundational right to life and freedoms of faith, conscience and speech—upon which all other rights and freedoms hinge.

Top Priorities: Freedom of faith, conscience and speech

·        Conscience Protection ActS. 301, H.R. 644 - Prevent government coercion related to abortion.
·        Free Speech Fairness ActS. 264, H.R. 781 - Protect free speech on political issues for nonprofit organizations including churches.

Top Priorities: Right to life

·        Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection ActS. 1922, H.R. 36 (passed) - Protect developing babies from abortions at the stage in which they can feel pain.
·        House Resolution on Dangers of Assisted SuicideH. Con. Res. 80 - Prevent assisted suicide.

Other bills supported

·        Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act S. 811, H.R. 1881 - Protect religious freedom of faith-based child service providers.
·        Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act - H.R. 217 - Redirect tax dollars from abortion businesses like Planned Parenthood to federally qualified health centers.
·        Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection ActS. 220, H.R. 37 - Save lives of babies born in an abortion.
·        No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure ActS. 184, H.R. 7 (passed) - Prevent tax dollars from funding abortion.
·        Parental Rights Resolution - S J Res 48 - Proposes an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relating to parental rights.
·        Federal Disaster Assistance Nonprofit Fairness Act – S. 1823, HR 2405 – Gives community centers, including tax-exempt houses of worship, eligibility for disaster relief and emergency assistance.

·        Heartbeat Protection Act - HR 490 – would not allow a physician to perform an abortion: (1) without first determining whether the fetus has a detectable heartbeat, (2) without informing the mother of the results, or (3) after determining that a fetus has a detectable heartbeat.

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