Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Your Rep could be the deciding vote on health care

Suddenly the American healthcare debate all comes down to one vote in the U.S. House of Representatives. That vote may come as soon as next week.

The House will vote on the massive, expensive, government-intrusive healthcare overhaul bill already passed by the Senate. Abortion policy land mines in this partisan, ideological bill make this vote the most consequential vote on life issues since Roe v. Wade.

Urge your Representative today to OPPOSE the Senate Health Care bill.

Policy experts now believe this landmark House vote may be decided by as little as one vote—perhaps the vote of your Representative. If your Representative is on either of the (a) or (b) lists below, chances are even greater that he or she could cast the deciding vote.

  1. 37 House Democrats who voted NO
    on the House healthcare overhaul bill last November. (Click here to view that list).
  2. The following
    21 House Democrats who originally voted YES but now may be reconsidering:

  • Michael Arcuri (NY)
  • Marion Berry (AR)
  • Tim Bishop (NY)
  • Dennis Cardoza (CA)
  • Chris Carney (PA)
  • Jim Costa (CA)
  • Joe Donnelly (IN)
  • Steve Driehaus (OH)
  • Brad Ellsworth (IN)
  • Gabrielle Giffords (AZ)
  • Baron Hill (IN)
  • Paul Hodes (NH)
  • Dan Maffei (NY)
  • Harry Mitchell (AZ)
  • Bill Owens (NY)
  • Earl Pomeroy (ND)
  • Mark Schauer (MI)
  • Kurt Schrader (OR)
  • Zach Space (OH)
  • Dina Titus (NV)
  • Charlie Wilson (OH)
Take Action Today!

  • Call and e-mail your Representative's office, identify yourself as a constituent, and simply say that you are urging your Representative to vote "NO" on the Senate healthcare overhaul bill. Contact information: .
To multiply your influence even more, you can:

  • Send a letter to the editor of your local newspaper—about 150 words. Check the paper's online site for email contact information. Your Representative and staff read the local newspaper daily.
  • Spread the word with email, Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace, asking your friends and family to also send a clear message to Congress. Include links to the House contact information above and any of the resources below.
Thank you for taking time to make your views known—and for protecting the lives of the unborn, the conscience rights of healthcare professionals and the freedoms of patients.

To learn more:

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