With the House of Representatives poised to vote on the expansive and expensive healthcare overhaul bill, the vote now looks so close that one or two Representatives either way can make the deciding difference.
So call and e-mail your Representative's office now!
It's easy.
Simply identify yourself as a constituent, and simply say that you are urging your Representative to vote "NO" on the Senate healthcare overhaul bill.
Find your Representative here: https://writerep.house.gov/writerep/welcome.shtml .
To multiply your influence even more, you can:
- Send a letter to the editor of your local newspaper—about 150 words. Check the paper's online site for email contact information. Your Representative and staff read the local newspaper daily.
- Spread the word with email, Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace, asking your friends and family to also send a clear message to Congress. Include links to the House contact information above and any of the resources below.
You can now share your opinions on the new Freedom2Care survey on the healthcare bill:
Thank you for taking time to make your views known—and for protecting the lives of the unborn, the conscience rights of healthcare professionals and the freedoms of patients.
To learn more:
- Freedom2Care (www.Freedom2Care.org) coalition on conscience rights and health care.
- "Any House member who votes for the Senate health bill is casting a career-defining pro-abortion vote" Memo by National Right to Life.
- "Stupak: There's No Deal, And I Won't Agree to a Promise to Fix the Bill in the Future" by John McCormack in the Weekly Standard.
- "Abortion is bill's remaining hurdle" by Patrick O'Connor in the Politico.
- "Pelosi says House has votes for healthcare if vote were held today" by Michael O'Brien in The Hill.
- "How Pelosi will game the Stupak 12" by Marc Thiessen in the Washington Post.
- "Representatives Should Not be Fooled: 'Yes' Vote on Senate Healthcare Bill Betrays Constituents" Abortion Funding Poll by Susan B. Anthony List.
- "Abortion Coverage in President Obama's Health Care Reform Bill" WebMemo by the Heritage Foundation.
- "Will the Democrats' 'Go It Alone' Approach to Health Care Work" Memo by Sen. Jon Kyl and Rep. Eric Cantor.
- "Fact Check: Abortion Fix" by Senate Republican Communications Center.
- "Abortion Funding in the Senate Health Care Reform Bill" by the USCCB.
- "Eight Reasons Abortion Is in the Health Care Overhaul" by FRC Action.
- "Abortion and the Health Bill: There is no middle ground. Either taxpayers will fund it or they won't" by Dr. Charmaine Yoest at AUL.
- "Bishops Call Senate Health Care Reform Bill 'Deficient,' Essential Changes Needed Before Moving Forward"
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