Friday, February 22, 2019

Christian Medical Association lauds new Title X family planning rule

Washington, DC - February 22, 2019: The 19,000-member Christian Medical Association (CMA, in a statement today enthusiastically welcomed a final new rule that will govern tax funds awarded for family planning purposes under the Title X program administered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
The following statement may be attributed to VP for Govt. Relations Jonathan Imbody (, who also serves as Director of Freedom2Care ( and its over 30,000 constituents.
"Practically speaking, the new rule now opens the door to many more health organizations, which should translate into more and better options for patient care. Many life-affirming, full-service health organizations nationwide had been shut out of the program by the previous administration's abortion-related requirements.
"Our polling, cited in the final rule document, showed that 91 percent of faith-based health professionals will leave medicine rather than bow to pressure to compromise their life-affirming convictions.
"As the new rule document notes while citing this polling (p. 268), 'With the final rule’s added emphasis on protecting rights of conscience, more individuals may enter the Title X family planning program, helping to meet that unmet need for care.'
"The program remains open to any organization willing to respect the statutory separation of abortion from Title X family planning funds and operations. The only organizations shut out of the Title X family planning program will be those who insist on mingling abortion with Title X funds and programs. So Title X will no longer serve as an exclusive  funding pipeline for the abortion industry while shutting out pro-life health programs.
"This new rule finally brings the Title X family planning program in line with federal Title X law that forbids funds for abortion as a family planning method—a principle that reflects the values of the American people."

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