Editor's Note: This is the fifth essay in a series on conscience in healthcare, by Freedom2Care Director Jonathan Imbody. For the other essays, click "ConscienceEssay" on Topics at left.
"So I just read this article and can't really even wrap
my head around this. Perhaps because of my personal and professional opinion I
cannot understand how this 'division' was created. I would love to hear the
opinions of other professionals. I promise I am not trying to troll or create
controversy, but simply attempting to understand how opting out of providing
medical care or performing procedures despite the medical need/request can
coexist with our professional ethics and obligations."
Conscience laws protect professional ethical decision-making
When a professional follows a code of medical ethics, the
professional makes a choice—for example, either to perform or not to perform an
abortion. Without legal protections for alternative choices, only one choice is
allowed, and the dissenting professional can suffer job loss, license loss and
other forms of discrimination.
Federal conscience laws protect professionals on both sides of
ethical issues.
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Conscience laws protect both sides of the abortion debate. |
For example, if one subscribes to the ethical theory that a
medical professional must perform an abortion if the patient wants one, what
recourse does that professional have if an employer forbids you from performing
an abortion? Federal conscience law (in this case, the Church
Amendments) actually protects professionals from discrimination either for
performing or for not performing the abortion. (Read more about federal
conscience laws here.)
The alternative to federal conscience laws is excluding from
medicine all professionals who do not follow a prevailing ethic.
In the two and a half millennia during which the Hippocratic oath
prevailed, that would mean no doctors whose ethic required or permitted
assisted suicide or abortion would be allowed to practice medicine. Currently,
with fewer doctors taking the Hippocratic oath, an absence of conscience
protections could mean that only doctors who do not follow the
Hippocratic oath would be allowed to practice medicine.
Conscience laws protect patient access and choice
Some today insist that conscience freedoms end upon entrance to
medical school. The result of repealing conscience laws and excluding from
medicine all professionals who do not follow the "ethic du jour"
would be a massive loss of patient access to healthcare. With pro-life,
faith-based and Hippocratic professionals excluded from medicine, far fewer
professionals would be left to treat patients. Those allowed to remain in the
profession would experience a lack of freedom for professional judgment, since
any judgment departing from the current consensus would disqualify them from
continuing in medicine.
Our forbears fled to this land because they had experienced
discrimination for their beliefs. Our Constitution's First Amendment spells out
the priority that Americans place on freedom of belief and the right to
conscientiously exercise those beliefs in the public square.
The source and stability of medical ethics matters
One final question to ask regarding medical ethics is what is the
source? Who makes the decisions on what is ethical and what is not? Is the
ethic a constant, or does it change?
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The Declaration of Geneva changes every 10 years. |
As outlined in previous
essays in this series, the original Declaration
of Geneva oath published by the World Medical
Association unequivocally asserted, "I will maintain the utmost
respect for human life from the time of conception." But the same oath
later dropped the commitment of respect for human life from the time of
conception and now requires simply, "I will maintain the utmost respect
for human life."
In contrast to the over two-millennia-old Hippocratic oath, the Declaration
of Geneva changes every ten years.
What of health professionals who still follow the original oath
and decline to perform abortions because they "respect human life from the
time of conception"?
Should they now be driven out of medicine because their views no
longer reflect the prevailing ethic--an ethic that shifted over a period of a
few years?
Conscience freedoms and time-tested ethical
standards stabilize medicine
Polling indicates
that patients place a high priority on the ability to choose health
professionals who share the patient's ethical positions. Polling also indicates
that faith-based physicians will leave medicine apart from conscience
Repealing conscience laws would leave patients without care. |
Should patients and our healthcare system prepare for massive
expulsions of health professionals every decade, as medical ethics shifts from
one point to another?
Health professionals who follow faith tenets such as biblical
standards do not change their ethical stances from year to year. Their
convictions do not and cannot flex with the ever-changing consensus within the
medical community; they rest upon an unchanging standard. These
faith-driven health professionals rely on conscience protections to continue to
practice medicine.
Their non-religious colleagues, who may for the moment diverge
from a consensus ethic that has shifted, also rely
upon the same conscience protections that to protect their
professional medical and ethical judgment.
Conscience protections serve to stabilize our healthcare system by
maximizing the number of professionals able to practice medicine. Such laws
also buttress American constitutional freedoms of faith and speech while
protecting the rights of patients to associate with like-minded professionals.
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