Thursday, July 20, 2017

Anti-Christian Libel, Shootings and the City of God

Normally one could simply ignore a group like Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) that labels religious freedom organizations like Alliance Defending Freedom and Family Research Council "hate groups." But when slander triggers violence, and when journalists regurgitate the slander, it's time to mount a challenge
Twice now, SPLC labels have been tied to shootings by SPLC "hate group" list followers: at GOP lawmakers including Rep. Steve Scalise at the ballpark and at FRC headquarters, where hero
FRC's Hero: Leo Johnson
Johnson took a bullet to save the lives of many of my friends and colleagues in the building. 
Rep. Steve Scalise after shooting linked to SPLC list
ADF's Kerri Kupec
So how refreshing and vital it is that ADF has such winsome representatives like friends Kerri KupecCasey Mattox, Alison Centofante and many more who challenge the libel and by their words, demeanor and character, put the lie to the SPLC label. 
Centuries ago, as Augustine's City of God addressed, angry Romans blamed Christians for the fall of that civilization which had lost its moral compass. That anti-Christian spirit has returned with renewed intensity, and once again people of faith have landed in the cross-hairs--sometimes literally--of a subsection of society that would pin its own sins on a scapegoat. 
Thankfully, we follow One who served as our scapegoat, taking our sins upon Himself and turning our dismal depravity into grace and glory. May Christ empower and equip us to trace His footsteps in a way that honors Him.

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