Following is an excerpt from a letter sent by faith-based organizations to US senators recently. The letter urges rejection of gender ideology legislative language in a bill for social services to runaway youth. Sen. Pat Leahy's language would essentially disqualify faith-based organizations from providing social services with funding from the US Dept. of Health and Human Services' Administration for Families and Children.
The letter notes,
"As leaders of faith-based organizations, religious-freedom advocates, and lawyers who work with faith-based organizations, we ask you to reject the misconceived nondiscrimination clause that S. 262, the Runaway and Homeless Youth and Trafficking Prevention Act (Sen. Leahy) would attach to every grant administered by the Administration for Children and Families in the Department of Health and Human Services. The clause will undermine the rights of faith-based social-service providers or even cause many of them to be excluded from these grants. And yet
faith-based organizations are pioneers of services for runaway, homeless, and trafficked youth, provide a wide range of services also for other vulnerable people and communities, and are respected partners of government in a very large number of programs.... Read the full letter
Contact your senators to preserve religious freedom
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