Thursday, December 17, 2015

Congress inches toward sane sex education policy

Some good news below from my friend Valerie Huber of Ascend (formerly the National Abstinence Education Association). The majority GOP Congress has increased the amount of funding allocated to sexual risk avoidance (SRA) sex education. 
However, a huge federal funding gap remains between programs that teach teens how to save sex while protecting their hearts and programs that teach teens how to have sex while protecting their sexual organs. The sexual risk avoidance strategies regarding teen sex parallel similar strategies for risky behaviors such as smoking and substance abuse.
The House has released the long-awaited Omnibus spending bill for Fiscal Year 2016. Tucked within the many pages of the bill are several policy changes in the nation’s sex education priorities. Three improvements have a direct impact on Sexual Risk Avoidance (SRA) education, funded through the annual appropriations process:
1.    Funding. Funding for Sexual Risk Avoidance (SRA) education is doubled from $5 million to $10 million. The disparity is still great between SRA and so-called “comprehensive” sex education (or more accurately Sexual Risk Reduction [SRR] education), but this year’s omnibus is a step in the right direction. SRR education received funding at $90 million.
2.    New Language. Legislative language governing the SRA program ensures that students will receive clear and accurate information and skills to avoid sexual risk.  The new language is taken from the Healthy Relationships Act, introduced in the House by Rep. Randy Hultgren and Rep. Dan Lipinski, and in the Senate by Sen. Lindsey Graham.
3.    New Name. The term “sexual risk avoidance” more clearly describes the optimal health priorities of our programs. Congress replaced the term “abstinence education” for “sexual risk avoidance” to reflect the overriding health benefits teens experience when they forgo sexual activity. Consistent with how the public health community addresses other youth risks, the sexual risk avoidance approach offers a well-defined and consistent emphasis on information and skills that help youth avoid all sexual risk.
With the expected and quick passage of the Omnibus, these important improvements to federal sex education policy set a new precedent for teen health.
 “We are encouraged that Congress listened to the majority of Americans* who say that pregnancy-prevention-only programs are not enough for our youth.  They say that youth deserve all the skills to help them thrive – skills that are a part of SRA programs,” declared Valerie Huber, President/CEO of Ascend.
“We are encouraged that Congress is committed to reinforcing and amplifying the good decisions of the majority of youth. Most teens have not had sex – and that percentage has increased more than 15% over the past 20 years.** Finally, more sex education classes will help youth build healthy relationships, avoid all the consequences of teen sex, and ascend to brighter and healthier futures,” she continued.
“The legislative changes are important and the increased funding is one step closer to parity between SRA and SRR programs, a continuing goal for Ascend.”
Ascend applauds Congress for making important improvements to sex education funding and policy. The future of our youth trumps politics. The FY 2016 Omnibus sets a good precedent for that future.
*About 70% of Americans say students should learn how to avoid all the consequences of sex, rather than merely receive a pregnancy prevention message, according to the July 2015 Americans Speak Out Survey. Research conducted by the Barna Group. 
** The CDC reveals more than a 15% decrease in the percent of teens who have had sex from 1991-2013. Click here to see trends and further information.  
Ascend (formerly the National Abstinence Education Association) champions youth to make healthy decisions in relationships and life by promoting well being through a primary prevention strategy, and as a national membership and advocacy organization that serves, leads, represents and equips the Sexual Risk Avoidance field.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Sen. Marco Rubio, Rep. Chris Smith expose China's coercive abortion policy at hearing Thursday

The following hearing of the Congressional Co-Executive Commission on China will be webcast at this link.
Representative Christopher Smith, Chairman and Senator Marco Rubio, Cochairman

announce a hearing

China’s New “Two-Child Policy” & the Continuation of Massive Crimes Against Women and Children

Thursday, December 3, 2015
1o:00 a.m. to 12 p.m.
HVC 210, Capitol Visitors Center

After 35 years of brutal enforcement of the one-child policy, the Chinese Communist Party announced in late October that a universal two-child policy will be adopted, allowing all married Chinese couples to have two children. 
The policy change was driven  by serious demographic concerns currently facing China—a rapidly aging population, a shrinking labor force, and a dramatic gender imbalance that drives regional human trafficking problems and potentially higher levels of crime and societal instability.  
Central authorities continue to insist that family planning will continue to be a “fundamental national policy” and many unanswered questions remain about implementation of the policy.  

  • Why did China not completely abolish birth restrictions?  
  • Will coercive implementation continue? 
  • What will happen to China’s massive bureaucracy of family planning officials? 
  • Will the two-child policy counter China’s massive demographic problems? 

This hearing will examine the potential demographic, economic, and social implications associated with China’s new “Two-Child Policy” and seek recommendations on how the international community can assist China to address them.

  1. Nicholas Eberstadt, Ph.D., Henry Wendt Scholar in Political Economy, American Enterprise Institute
  2. Reggie Littlejohn, Founder and President, Women’s Rights Without Frontiers
  3. Jennifer Li, Co-Founder, China Life Alliance
  4. Sarah Huang,  Activist

 ***Additional witnesses may be added

This hearing will be webcast live here.

Click here to download a copy of the Commission's full 2015 Annual Report.

The Congressional-Executive Commission on China, established by the U.S.-China Relations Act of 2000 as China prepared to enter the World Trade Organization, is mandated by law to monitor human rights, including worker rights, and the development of the rule of law in China. The Commission by mandate also maintains a database of information on political prisoners in China—individuals who have been imprisoned by the Chinese government for exercising their civil and political rights under China's Constitution and laws or under China's international human rights obligations. All of the Commission's reporting and its Political Prisoner Database are available to the public online via the Commission's Web site,

Friday, November 6, 2015

Moving Toward God: Tony Perkins commentary in Washington Update on my new book, Faith Steps

Grateful for these words from Family Research Council President Tony Perkins' Washington Update:
Based on his new book Faith Steps: Moving toward God through Personal Choice and Public Policy, Jonathan Imbody’s lecture explained the importance of Christian participation in the public square. As Jonathan asked, "Why should people who know the difference between good and evil leave government in the hands of those who do not?" Jonathan made a point of emphasizing that Christians must engage culture in terms the culture understands, using the Apostle Paul's message to the Greek philosophers on Mars Hill (Acts 17) as a solid biblical example. "God creates every human being in His image," writes Jonathan. "From a public policy standpoint, this means that we honor and protect human life at every stage of development, especially when individuals cannot protect themselves. From a personal standpoint, it means that as God's image-bearers, we need to walk consistently with His principles if the image we reflect is to help others better understand Him." Be sure to watch the lecture and learn why your involvement in public life is so vital, and how we can make arguments persuasively to our needy culture.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Join us Wed. noon at FRC or online for Faith Steps discussion on winsomely engaging in public policy

Jonathan Imbody, author of Faith Steps: Moving toward God through personal choice and public policy
November 04, 2015
Time: 12:00 pm (ET) - 01:00 pm (ET)
Click here to register for this event

Marriage and sexuality, religious freedom, abortion, assisted suicide, stem cell research and human trafficking: The stands we take and the choices we make on such vital issues, as individuals and as a nation, matter now and for eternity. Faith Steps encourages and equips people of faith to winsomely engage friends and the culture on critical matters --not as partisans but as ambassadors.
Decisively rejecting the stifling notion that Christians should remain mute on controversial social issues and shun the political arena, Faith Steps reveals how courageous and compassionate engagement can help our neighbors and transform culture.
Drawing on Jonathan Imbody's many years of experience in Washington, DC in government relations and communications, the book provides practical, in-the-trenches communications strategies to address and engage individuals and society on the most controversial and consequential issues of our day. Join FRC and Jonathan Imbody as he comes to discuss this important book.
A veteran writer of over 30 years, Jonathan Imbody has published over 100 commentaries in various national publications. He has also written numerous magazine articles, marketing materials and educational curricula. Jonathan's writing focuses on health-related ethical issues including conscience protections for healthcare professionals, healthcare reform, human trafficking, abortion, assisted suicide, stem cell research, the role of faith in health, international health, abstinence and HIV/AIDS. His on-site research on euthanasia in the Netherlands formed the basis for the "No Mercy" video and a presentation at an international conference in The Hague.
Currently, he serves as Vice President for Government Relations and director of the Christian Medical Association's Washington Office. As CMA's liaison with the federal government, he has participated in nearly 30 White House meetings and events and makes more than 200 personal contacts with Congressional leaders and government officials each year. Jonathan has testified in the U.S. Senate on euthanasia and assisted suicide. He received his bachelor's and master's degree from Penn State and earned a certificate in biblical and theological studies from the Alliance Theological Seminary in New York. Jonathan and his wife Amy have four grown children and live in Ashburn, Virginia.

Click here to register for this event

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