We write to bring to your attention a comprehensive and alarming new study which found that the United States is one of just seven countries worldwide that permits elective abortion more than halfway through pregnancy (beyond 20 weeks). The study, commissioned by the Charlotte Lozier Institute (the education arm of the Susan B. Anthony List) researched abortion laws in 198 countries and semi-autonomous regions with a population exceeding one million.Joining the United States in allowing abortions past 20 weeks are China, North Korea, Vietnam, Singapore, Canada, and the Netherlands. Ranked by population size, the United States places second , beaten only by China.It is time that we in Congress act to bring the United States out of the fringe and closer to international norms on late abortions. An August 2013 poll conducted by Quinnipiac showed that by a 55% to 30% margin , Americans prefer a 20-week limit to a 24-week limit. Women support this limit by an even larger 60% to 25% margin.The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (S.1670) -- introduced by Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and co-sponsored by 40 senators --would protect unborn children beginning at 20 weeks. Scientific evidence tells us that these developing babies are capable of feeling excruciating pain from abortion procedures, and studies also show that abortions this late in pregnancy are dangerous to a mother 's health.At 20 weeks, an unborn baby girl can yawn, stretch, and make faces. Mothers receive medical advice to sing to their child at this point in pregnancy, as the unborn girl can hear her mother's voice and begin to establish connections that foster emotional and psychological attachment that confers lifelong benefits for both mother and child.The U.S. House has already taken action to protect these unborn children and their mothers, approving the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act in June 2013 with bipartisan support. Similar legislation has been enacted by over a dozen states and several more are considering it. Our nation's traditional devotion to human rights also calls out for this humane and compassionate response.We urge you to read the attached study carefully , and we ask that you join us in calling on Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) to bring the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (S. 1670) up for an immediate floor vote.
Writings from a faith perspective, related to the beginning of life, education, end of life, healthcare, religious freedom and sexual issues.
Monday, May 12, 2014
Sen. Kelly Ayotte explains bill to protect developing babies
Pro-life Senator Kelly Ayotte, who along with Senators Roy Blunt and Marco Rubio led a monthly strategy meeting I had the privilege of participating in during the last session of the Senate, has encouraged her colleagues in the Senate to support a bill to protect developing babies. Her "Dear Colleague" letter below [emphases added] summarizes the case for the bill:
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