I'm thankful that USA Today published my commentary below today. The point is not partisan but principled:
If only the GOP would throw up the white flag and surrender "hard-line positions on abortion" and other social issues, they might win like Democrats, suggests a USA editorial ("How GOP candidates can win: Our view," Nov. 6).
If Republicans had followed such advice in the nineteenth century, we would still be trading in slaves.
A 2013 Gallup poll revealed that by at least a 17-point margin, women, independents and young voters all favored the GOP position of making abortion illegal in most cases.The movement against abortion on demand garners even more support when the specific abortion issue is parental consent, partial-birth abortion, second and third trimesterabortions and informed consent.
Meanwhile, a Brookings Institution poll found that "Republicans have a better opportunity to attract Democratic defectors with … a socially conservative message than an economically conservative message."
Republicans' socially conservative position on abortionclearly syncs with American voters' values. Yet even ifpolling on abortion ran counter to the GOP platform, who could ever trust a political party that sacrificed on the altar of political expediency its commitment to the "right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?"
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