My commentary on the HHS mandate in The Washington Post
below, followed by the original submission if you're interested to see how the Post
edits submissions.
What the contraception
fight is about
E.J. Dionne Jr. pontificated that “America’s Big Religious War
ended Friday” [“Obama’s olive branch to Catholics,” op-ed, Feb.
4]. After a slew of court losses, the Obama administration now grudgingly
exempts from its contraception mandate organizations it deems sufficiently
religious. Mr. Dionne called that concession “a clear statement that President
Obama never wanted this fight,” but the president and his campaign gleefully
promoted this fight as a “war on women.”
Mr. Obama undermined any pretense of a compelling health
justification for a government mandate by unwittingly observing that
99 percent of women already access contraceptives. His health department
dismissed concerns of economic consequences, blithely contending that
preventing babies is cheaper than having them.
The First Amendment protects all individuals —
not merely government-certified religious institutions. Yet the administration
continues to coerce conscience-objecting individual employers.
Mr. Dionne castigated the faith community for claiming First
Amendment infringement since the government coercion did not restrict the
“freedom to worship or to preach.” The Founders, however, clearly construed the
First Amendment to also protect the free exercise of conscience.
Jonathan Imbody, Washington
The writer is the Christian Medical Association’s vice president
for government relations.
Original submission: (The Post editors edited out
what I thought were especially relevant historical quotes by Neville
Chamberlain in the beginning, Thomas Jefferson in the middle and Winston
Churchill at the end.)
Neville Chamberlain's infamous "peace for our time" speech,
E.J. Dionne Jr. pontificates, "America’s Big Religious War ended
Friday" ("Obama's olive branch to Catholics," Opinion, Monday).
After a slew of federal court losses, the administration now grudgingly exempts
from its contraceptive mandate certain organizations it deems sufficiently
religious. Dionne calls that concession "a clear statement that President
Obama never wanted this fight."
The president and his campaign gleefully promoted this fight as a
"war on women." President Obama undermined any pretense of a
compelling health justification for a government mandate by unwittingly observing
that 99 percent of women already access contraceptives. His health department
dismissed concerns of economic consequences, blithely contending
that preventing babies is cheaper than having them.
Dionne castigates the faith community for claiming First
Amendment infringement since the government coercion did not restrict the
"freedom to worship or to preach." The founders clearly construed the
First Amendment to protect not only worship and preaching but also free
exercise of conscience.
The First Amendment also protects all individuals--not merely
government-certified religious institutions. Yet the administration continues
to coerce conscience-objecting individual employers.
Jefferson asserted, "The rights of conscience we never submitted, we could
not submit. We are answerable for them to our God."[i]
We shall
never surrender.
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