Thursday, July 26, 2012

Groups urge House leaders to vote on conscience bill

Conscience-supporting organizations have sent the letter below to the leadership of the U.S. House of Representatives urging a vote on a strong conscience-protecting bill, the Respect for Rights of Conscience Act (H.R. 1179). Nebraska Rep. Jeff Fortenberry introduced the bill, which has already garnered 223 co-sponsors in the House. To add your voice and urge a vote on this bill, click here for an easy-to-use form.

July 23, 2012
The Honorable John A. Boehner
Speaker of the House H-232, The Capitol Washington DC 20515
The Honorable Eric Cantor Majority Leader
H-329, The Capitol
Washington DC 20515
Dear Speaker Boehner and Leader Cantor:
We strongly support enactment of the Respect for Rights of Conscience Act (H.R. 1179) to support religious liberty and freedom of conscience. We strongly urge House leadership to take whatever steps are necessary to work toward the enactment of Congressman Fortenberry’s bill.
A vital First Amendment right is threatened by the HHS mandate. In addition, those likely to suffer the most are the poorest and neediest.
A large portion of the nation’s social services is provided by religious organizations which are not recognized as “religious” under the terms of the mandate. The mandate contains no exemption for these organizations with moral and religious objections. Either such charities will shut down altogether rather than violate their moral principles, or they will be compelled to use scarce resources to pay punitive fines, thus diverting funds intended to serve the poor.
The shutdown of religious organizations and services could also, both directly and indirectly, lead to job loss.
We urge you to exercise your leadership in working for the passage of the Respect for Rights of Conscience Act as soon as possible to add conscience protections to PPACA.
Julaine K. Appling                                                        Joan Bell
President, Wisconsin Family Action                              Apostles of Dei Gloriam
Christopher Bell                                                           Father Shenan J. Boquet
Good Counsel Homes                                                   President , Human Life International
Dr. John F. Brehany                                                     Joseph A. Brinck
Executive Director, Catholic Medical Association          President, Sanctity of Life Foundation

James C. Capretta                                                         Samuel B. Casey
Fellow, Ethics and Public Policy Center                         Managing Director
Jubilee Campaign, Law of Life Project
Larry Cirignano
Director, Faithful Catholic Citizens                               Victoria Cobb
President, The Family Foundation, Virginia
Dana Cody
Life Legal Defense Foundation                                      Thomas Cronquist
Vitae Caring Foundation
Carroll L. Conley, Jr.
Executive Director                                                        Len Deo
Christian Civic League of Maine                                   Founder & President
New Jersey Family Policy Council
Deryl Edwards
President, Liberty Counsel Action                                 Maureen Ferguson
Senior Policy Advisor, The Catholic Association
David Fowler, Esq.
President, Family Action of Tennessee                          Tom D. Freier
President & Executive Director
Dr. Jim Garlow                                                             North Dakota Family Alliance Action
Renewing American Leadership Action
Michael Geer
Millie Lace, SE, LPC                                                    President, Pennsylvania Family Policy Council
Director, Concepts of Truth
Colin Hanna
Thomas A. Glessner                                                      President, Let Freedom Ring
President, National Institute of Family & Life Advocates
John Helmberger
Cathi Herrod                                                                 CEO, Minnesota Family Council & Institute
President, Center for Arizona Policy
Dr. Charles Kenny
Kathleen Gilbert                                                           President, The Right Brain People
Kristan Hawkins                                                           Yuval Levin
Executive Director                                                        Hartog Fellow, Ethics and Public Policy Center
Medical Students for Life/Students for Life of America
Julie Lynde                                                                   Gary Marx
Executive Director, Cornerstone Family Council Idaho Executive Director, Faith and Freedom Coalition
Dr. Patricia McEwen                                                     Tom McClusky
President, Doctors for Life International                        Senior Vice President
Family Research Council Action
Rev. Jason J. McGuire
Executive Director                                                        Gene Mills
New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms                     Louisiana Family Forum

Dr. Richard Land                                                          Edward Whelan
President                                                                      President, Ethics and Public Policy Center*
Southern Baptist Ethics
and Religious Liberty Commission                                Penny Nance
President, Concerned Women for America
Jim Minnery
President, Alaska Family Council                                  Kent Ostrander
The Family Foundation, Kentucky
Michael O'Dea
Executive Director, Christus Medicus Foundation          Ron Prentice
California Family Council
Fr. Frank Pavone
CEO, Priests for Life                                                     Paul S. Rondeau
Executive Director, American Life League
Won Kyu Rim
Executive Director, New Jersey Family First                  Curt Smith
Indiana Family Institute
Matt Smith
President, Catholic Advocate                                         David E. Smith
President, Illinois Family Institute
Kris Mineau
Massachusetts Family Institute                                     John Stemberger
President, Florida Family Policy Council
Matthew Staver
Founder & Chairman, Liberty Counsel                          Nicole Theis
President, Delaware Family Policy Council
Dr. David Stevens
CEO, Christian Medical Association                              Christen M. Varley
Executive Director, Conscience Cause
P. George Tryfiates
Director, Government Affairs                                        Dr. Keith Wiebe
Association of Christian Schools International               President
American Association of Christian Schools
Randall Wenger,Esq.
Chief Counsel, Independence Law Center                      Bill Donohue
Peter Wolfgang                                                             Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
President, Family Institute of Connecticut Action
The Honorable Kevin McCarthy, Majority Whip
The Honorable Fred Upton, Chairman, House Energy and Commerce Committee
To add your voice and urge a vote on this bill, click here for an easy-to-use form.

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