Thursday, April 5, 2012

How you can help protect religious liberty today

National Cathedral
Religious freedom. From the days of the Pilgrims, America has provided a safe haven--though with lamentable lapses--for the free exercise of religion.
Recent events have shown, however, that we can no longer take our religious freedom and corresponding conscience rights for granted. Consider that over the past three years, people of faith and conscience have witnessed:
  1. the gutting of the only federal regulation protecting the exercise of conscience in health care; 
  2. the denial of federal grant funds for aiding human trafficking victims because a faith-based organization refused to participate in abortion; 
  3. the administration's failed attempt to get the Supreme Court to restrict faith-based organizations' hiring rights; and 
  4. a coercive contraceptive mandate that imposes the administration's ideology on the faith-based and pro-life communities.
Now you can help stop this alarming trend of trampling religious liberties--by urging support for these bills that protect religious freedom by providing conscience protections:
  • Use this form (1) to contact your Senators to support the Respect for Rights of Conscience Act (S. 1467)
  • Use this form (2) to contact your Representative to support the Respect for Rights of Conscience Act (H.R. 1179).
You can either just use the email text provided for you, or make it even more personal with your own custom message.
Right now, you can also drive home your values in a powerful way--by phoning or visiting your legislators while they are home during a Congressional recess.
You can find complete information on your legislators at
Thank you for taking time to put your values into action to protect the religious liberties we hold dear.
P.S. Besides using the links and information above to contact your legislators, you can also learn more on conscience rights and religious freedom issues at Visit http// to sign up for updates.

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