Many organizations recently sent the letter below to implore the U.S. Senate to oppose ratification of a treaty that would undermine parental rights and U.S. sovereignty. A vote in expected Tuesday, Dec. 4. Treaty ratification requires a yes vote from two-thirds of the senators present. Urge your senators to vote NO.
Contact your senators with this simple message: "I urge you to oppose ratification of the CRPD treaty, which would undermine parental rights and U.S. sovereignty."
RE: Please Oppose the UN CRPD
Honorable Senator,
We the below-signed leaders from forty national organizations represent millions of Americans. We respectfully urge the United States Senate to reject ratification of the United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).
We are troubled that article 7 of this treaty, in establishing the “best interests of the child” legal standard, would override the traditional fundamental right of parents to direct the education and upbringing of their child with special needs.
We are troubled that such a reduction in legal protection in cases of children with disabilities will create an atmosphere discriminatory against those children and their families.
We are troubled that New Zealand’s Education Act of 1989, which has been held to conform to the CRPD, allows the Secretary of Education to force any child with special needs into government-run schools “if the Secretary thinks [the student] would be better off.” This transfers the right to direct a child’s education from fit and loving parents to an officer of the State, in contravention of American tradition and the International Declaration of Human Rights. Yet it accords with this treaty.
We are troubled that accession to this treaty, despite assurances to the contrary, will lead to legal action against private individuals, as seen in the 2011 case of Bond v. United States. In this case, a woman was found guilty of violating the Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act, a federal law over a matter formerly of state jurisdiction, which was adopted as a direct result of the eponymous treaty.
We are troubled that accession to this treaty would place our nation under the scrutiny and review of an international committee unelected by the American people, thus violating the vital principle of American self-government.
For these and other reasons, we urge you: please vote against any effort to ratify the CRPD.
Michael P. Farris
Phyllis Schlafly
Founder and President
Eagle Forum
Dr. Richard Land
Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission Southern Baptist Convention
Morton Blackwell
The Weyrich Lunch
Tom McClusky
Senior Vice President
Family Research Council Action
Tom Minnery
Executive Director
Penny Young Nance
President and Chief Executive Officer
Concerned Women for America
Matt Staver
Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
Erick Erickson
Mike Needham
Chief Executive Officer
Heritage Action for America
Austin Ruse
Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute (C-FAM)
William J. Murray
Religious Freedom Coalition
Jim Backlin
Vice President for Legislative Affairs
Christian Coalition of America
Gary A. Marx
Executive Director
Faith and Freedom Coalition
Al Cardenas
American Conservative Union
J. Michael Smith
Home School Legal Defense Association
Janice Shaw Crouse, Ph.D.
Senior Fellow
Beverly LaHaye Institute
Deryl Edwards
Liberty Counsel Action
Dr. Jim Garlow
Renewing American Leadership Action
Jeff Gayner
Americans for Sovereignty
Mandi Campbell
Legal Director
Liberty Center for Law and Policy
Matt Smith
Catholic Advocate
Donna Rice Hughes
Enough Is Enough
Barbara Samuells
912 Super Seniors
C. Preston Noell, III
Tradition, Family, Property, Inc.
Richard and Susan Falknor
Blue Ridge Forum
Lisa Miller
Tea Party WDC
Seton Motley
Less Government
Colin A. Hanna
Let Freedom Ring
David Stevens, MD, MA (Ethics)
Chief Executive Officer
Christian Medical Association
Ron Pearson
Council for America
Dr. William Greene
Founder and President
Maureen Van Den Berg
Legislative Director
American Association of Christian Schools
Emmett McGroarty
Preserve Innocence Initiative
Andy Blom
Executive Director
American Principles in Actions
Mark Williamson
Founder and President
Federal Intercessors
Peter J. Thomas
The Conservative Caucus
Teresa A. Citro
Chief Executive Officer
Learning Disabilities Worldwide, Inc.
Curt Levey
The Committee for Justice
William A. Estrada
Generation Joshua