Thursday, August 4, 2011

Contact your legislators to support conscience-protecting bills

A previous blog, "Contraceptive mandate discards cost and conscience considerations," outlined the administration's recent mandate to provide controversial contraceptives that can end the life of a developing human being. That cost- and conscience-flouting mandate, combined with the failure to include strong conscience protections in Obamacare, and the administration's gutting of the only federal conscience protection regulation, all illustrate the need for life-protecting and conscience-protecting laws. 
Here's what you can do right now to make a difference:
  1. Urge your Representative to co-sponsor the Respect for Rights of Conscience Act.
  2. Urge your Senator to co-sponsor the Respect for Rights of Conscience Act.
  3. Track co-sponsorship of pending conscience bills.
Thank you for making your voice heard!

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