Friday, May 6, 2011

Urge your U.S. Senators to co-sponsor conscience bill

Senator Roger Wicker (R-MS) has just introduced the Senate companion to H.R. 3, the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act.  The Wicker bill is numbered S. 906, and the text is identical to the bill approved by the House yesterday.  You can track this bill on the Freedom2Care Legislative Action Center.So far 22 Senators have joined Senator Wicker as cosponsors of S. 906: 
22 Republican Cosponsors: Ayotte, Barrasso, Blunt, Boozman, Burr, Coats, Coburn, Cochran, DeMint, Enzi, Grassley, Hatch, Inhofe, Johanns, Kyl, Moran, Paul, Risch, Rubio, Shelby, Thune, and Vitter. 
23 Republicans are NOT YET Cosponsors: Alexander, Brown, Chambliss, Collins, Corker, Cornyn, Crapo, Graham, Hoeven, Hutchison, Isakson, Johnson, Kirk, Lee, Lugar, McCain, McConnell, Murkowski, Portman, Roberts, Sessions, Snowe and Toomey. (Representative Dean Heller is scheduled to be sworn in as the new Senator from Nevada on Monday.)
No Democrats have cosponsored S. 906 at this time.  Senators such as Casey, Conrad, Manchin, Nelson (NE) and Pryor should be encouraged to cosponsor S. 906.
Action: Use the Freedom2Care Legislative Action Center to urge your senator to co-sponsor this bill, or to thank him or her for co-sponsoring the bill.
More information is available in the press release from Senator Wicker.

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