Monday, November 8, 2010

Vote for the unborn a matter of principle, not party

Pursuing the premise that pro-life groups are somehow determined to rid the Democrat party of pro-life legislators, a Christianity Today article, "The Death of Pro-Life Democrats" glosses over the abortion-funding healthcare bill vote that triggered the alienation of some Democrats from the pro-life movement. The article notes simply that "President Obama signed an executive order prohibiting abortion funding."
Pro-life leaders point to past court decisions that demonstrate how the courts' view of the statutory mandate would override any executive order. The executive order also can be changed tomorrow by this pro-abortion President or any successor with the stroke of a pen. The healthcare bill, meanwhile, becomes permanent law.
Legislators don't vote on executive orders; they vote on bills. The pro-life leaders I work with welcome solidly pro-life legislators regardless of party. We just want dependable pro-life legislators whose vote for the unborn will be a matter of principle, not party.

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