Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Like a bad horror movie, the monsters keep popping up

Like a bad horror movie where the monsters start popping up again just when you think the threat is over, Congressional leaders are reemerging from the "Maassachusetts Massacre" determined to push through their frightening healthcare overhaul.

What part of NO don't these politicians understand?
Here's what the AP is reporting:
Democratic congressional leaders are coalescing around their last, best hope for salvaging President Barack Obama's sweeping health care overhaul.
Their plan is to pass the Senate bill with some changes to accommodate House Democrats, senior Democratic aides said Monday. Leaders will present the idea to the rank and file this week, but it's unclear whether they have enough votes to carry it out.
Last week's victory by Republican Scott Brown in Massachusetts cost Democrats the 60th vote they need to maintain undisputed control of the Senate, jeopardizing the outcome of the health care bill just when Obama had brokered a final deal on most of the major issues.
"We've put so much effort into this, so much hard work, and we were so close to doing some significant things. Now we have to find the political path that brings us out. And it's not easy," the No. 2 Senate Democrat, Dick Durbin of Illinois, said Monday.
The new strategy is as politically risky as it is bold.  [read more]
"Bold"? How about maniacal?
If ever there were a political suicide mission, Democrat leaders jamming the healthcare bill through now against overwhelming public opposition and the wishes of many of their own party's members would certainly fit the bill.
But they could still do it, and here's how:
  1. The House could swallow hard, pass the Senate bill as is and send it to the President to sign into law, all in a matter of days. The objections of House members--they're split on the radical new expansion of government funding to include abortion, for example--theoretically could be overcome with leadership's promises to fix their objections with subsequent legislation.
  2. Under a process known as "reconciliation," changes could be made to sections of the bill that affect taxes and government spending. Those changes could pass the Senate with a majority of just 51 senators, rather than a 60-vote majority. 
If you can't follow the technical stuff, don't worry--neither can many within Congress. What Members of Congress can understand, however, is when a constituent like you calls and says, "Vote NO on healthcare overhaul."
It's that simple.

To make your voice heard--and apparently for some legislators, you have to use a megaphone--just TELEPHONE the offices of your two U.S. Senators, and your U.S. House member. Give your name and address, and tell the lawmakers' staff persons that you wish to be recorded as "opposed to the health care legislation."
  • You can reach the offices of any member of Congress at 202-224-3121 or find their numbers here.
  • To view a pro-life scorecard showing how your U.S. Representative has voted on key pro-life issues during the current Congress, click here; for votes of your Senators, click here.
  • To view or download a letter explaining six major abortion-related problems with the Senate-passed bill, click here.

1 comment:

Eric Pearson, for U.S. Congress said...

I have few words about our U.S. Congressmen in the Democratic Party.

The U.S. Congressmen within our Democratic Party are like the false prophets of old, willing to say whatever their political backers wish to hear. They are like Absalom, the ancient King David's son, who conspired in the gates by telling people whatever might win their hearts. Does anyone remember all the glowing promises made before their elections? Does anyone care? Obama-mania has swept the land, but is starting to find it's place in the gutter. Why? It is more political deception for which the people are quickly growing tired of hearing as false promises.

On the other hand, we as Democrats of the Democratic Party must focus first on the radical agenda, and show how dangerous it is. Under the direction of President Obama, our Congressmen within the Democratic Party are setting in place measures intended to ensure the domination of socialist liberals in the political system for decades.

Furthermore, Nancy Pelosi and her fellow socialist liberals in Congress have made enormous changes in the level of government spending and power. They have repealed welfare reform, set us on course to socialized health care, put an energy policy in place that will drastically increase our gas and electricity costs and cripple industry, and are waging war on productive people and businesses. A recent Newsweek cover declared, "We are all socialists now."

These are only some of the measures our Democratic Party representatives in Congress have put in place, and we have never had such an assault on the foundations of our individual Liberty and Freedom within this country.

Altogether, we see our U.S. Congressmen within the Democratic Party for what they are, and as members of the Democratic Party we could have only once hoped our U.S. Congressmen would of impassioned themselves to the words of our founding fathers. On the other hand, we as Democrats should remember the words of William Samuel Johnson, "Patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels."

Eric Pearson, for Democrats seeking reform with the Democratic Party.

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