Thursday, November 5, 2009

Urge Congress before Friday to vote NO on pro-abortion "Rule" on H.R. 3962

NRLC urgent alert:
Pro-abortion Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Ca.) is planning to try to ram the massive health care bill (H.R. 3962, previously H.R. 3200) through the U.S. House of Representatives this week. The most critical roll call will occur on a procedural vote -- called "the Rule" -- that is expected to occur late on Friday, November 6, or Saturday, November 7.
Immediately TELEPHONE the Washington, D.C. office AND the in-district office of your representative in the U.S. House of Representatives with a clear and firm message:
"I am a constituent, and I urge you to vote NO on the Rule on the health bill, H.R. 3962, because it does not allow the House to vote on the pro-life Stupak Amendment [pronounced STEW-pak].”
The so-called pro-life language that Speaker Pelosi has put into the bill is completely phony. We are not fooled. A vote for this Rule is a vote to set up a new nationwide federal health insurance program, called the "public option," that will be authorized to pay for abortion on demand with federal funds.
If as few as 40 Democrats are persuaded to vote with Congressman Stupak in opposition to the "closed rule," it would be impossible for the Speaker to ram the abortion-funding H.R. 3962 through the House.
Click here for legislator contact information:

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