Monday, November 23, 2009

Healthcare radicals bank on public ignorance and gullibility

I recently wrote an op-ed, published by the long-standing conservative publication Human Events, that explains how public vigilance is the key to stopping the radical and reckless healthcare overhaul plan in Congress:

November 21, 2009 - To give you an idea of the kind of math that Reid and his allies employ, they conveniently left out of the projected cost of the bill some $247 billion -- the cost of a 10-year freeze on cuts in Medicare payments to doctors. Reid had proposed that expensive "doctor-fix" plan to buy off the American Medical Association, which dutifully endorsed the overall health care bill in response to the cash inducement.  Read op-ed

Friday, November 20, 2009

Senate vote within hours could determine healthcare - call now

This weekend the U.S. Senate will hold a crucial vote on whether or not to proceed with the expensive healthcare overhaul bill that will:
  • launch government funding of abortions
  • threaten the conscience rights of faith-based healthcare professionals and
  • deeply inject the government into the physician-patient relationship.
So if you don’t want your government to pay for abortions … pressure life-affirming physicians out of medicine … and take away decision-making ability from physicians and patients, then you need to call your two senators today.
Because if supporters of this radical bill can muster 60 votes this weekend to proceed on this bill, they essentially win the battle. They will only need 50 votes on the healthcare overhaul bill itself to completely pass the bill.
With enough in the majority party to pass the bill on a partisan basis with 50 votes, that means this weekend is our best—and possibly our last--chance to stop this reckless legislation.
So call your Senators today ( and tell them to VOTE NO on proceeding with the healthcare overhaul bill.
This bill fails to include broad conscience protections for medical professionals and institutions. It also includes government-run health care that will mean delay and denial of care to many patients.
Unless we speak out now, Congress may pass a bill that tramples conscience rights and puts patients at the mercy of the government.
Remember the vote is expected this weekend, so call today and tell them to VOTE NO on proceeding with the healthcare overhaul bill.
Thank you for taking a stand!
P.S. This weekend’s Senate vote looks very, very close. It is important to contact every senator to VOTE NO on proceeding with this bill. The following senators are considered especially crucial:
  • Bayh
  • Byrd
  • Casey
  • Collins
  • Conrad
  • Dorgan
  • T. Johnson
  • Landrieu
  • Lincoln
  • McCaskill
  • Nelson
  • Pryor
  • Reid
  • Snowe
  • Warner
Freedom2Care is an ad-hoc coalition of conscience-affirming organizations, coordinated by the 16,000-member
 Christian Medical Association (
Follow and share Freedom2Care on:

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Secret bill finally unveiled

Last night, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid finally unveiled the healthcare overhaul bill that’s been worked on behind closed doors for weeks. A full Senate vote on whether or not to proceed with this bill is expected this weekend.
Some Senators plan to fight against any conscience protections for life-affirming medical professionals and faith-based hospitals and clinics. Without conscience protections for life-affirming medical professionals and institutions, millions of patients may lose access to the care they depend upon.
Some Senators also plan to demand expensive government-run health care—like the “public option” already passed in the House bill. Analysts note that government-run health care will delay and deny—in other words, ration--health care for many patients.
The House bill for the moment includes conscience protections (through the Stupak amendment) but ONLY has protection related to abortion. Now abortion advocates in Congress are plotting to get rid of even that conscience protection.
This weekend's expected vote on whether or not to proceed with the Senate bill is expected to be extremely close. Just one of your Senators could make the difference! (Below is a list of Senators considered crucial.)
Call your Senators today ( and tell them to VOTE NO on any bill that:
  1. Fails to include broad conscience protections for medical professionals and institutions.
  2. Includes government-run health care that will mean delay and denial of care to many patients.
Unless we speak out now, Congress may pass a bill that tramples conscience rights and puts patients at the mercy of the government. Thank you for taking a stand!

Senators considered crucial:

  • Bayh
  • Byrd
  • Casey
  • Collins
  • Conrad
  • Dorgan
  • T. Johnson
  • Landrieu
  • Lincoln
  • McCaskill
  • Nelson
  • Pryor
  • Reid
  • Snowe
  • Warner

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Urge Congress before Friday to vote NO on pro-abortion "Rule" on H.R. 3962

NRLC urgent alert:
Pro-abortion Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Ca.) is planning to try to ram the massive health care bill (H.R. 3962, previously H.R. 3200) through the U.S. House of Representatives this week. The most critical roll call will occur on a procedural vote -- called "the Rule" -- that is expected to occur late on Friday, November 6, or Saturday, November 7.
Immediately TELEPHONE the Washington, D.C. office AND the in-district office of your representative in the U.S. House of Representatives with a clear and firm message:
"I am a constituent, and I urge you to vote NO on the Rule on the health bill, H.R. 3962, because it does not allow the House to vote on the pro-life Stupak Amendment [pronounced STEW-pak].”
The so-called pro-life language that Speaker Pelosi has put into the bill is completely phony. We are not fooled. A vote for this Rule is a vote to set up a new nationwide federal health insurance program, called the "public option," that will be authorized to pay for abortion on demand with federal funds.
If as few as 40 Democrats are persuaded to vote with Congressman Stupak in opposition to the "closed rule," it would be impossible for the Speaker to ram the abortion-funding H.R. 3962 through the House.
Click here for legislator contact information:

Monday, November 2, 2009

Listen to Stop the Abortion Mandate Webcast

THIS WEEK the U.S. House of Representatives plans to consider and vote on healthcare overhaul legislation that would radically change U.S. policy and begin government subsidy of abortion on demand.
To respond swiftly to this crisis, the pro-life movement has unified on a nationwide webcast --
During the webcast, you'll hear the latest breaking news from nationally respected leaders:
  • REP. CHRIS SMITH, U.S. House of Representatives
  • DR. DAVID STEVENS, Christian Medical Association
  • MARJORIE DANNENFELSER, Susan B. Anthony List
  • CHARMAINE YOEST, Americans United for Life
  • KRISTAN HAWKINS, Students for Life of America
  • DAVID BEREIT, 40 Days for Life
  • KELLYANNE CONWAY, The Polling Company
  • WENDY WRIGHT, Concerned Women for America
  • DOUGLAS JOHNSON, National Right to Life Committee
  • KRISTEN DAY, Democrats for Life
The entire audio recording has now been posted online at:

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