Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Call senators re: healthcare legislation, conscience and abortion

Today the U.S. Senate Finance Committee will continue to mark up Sen. Baucus’s health care bill, and you can have an impact on how that mark-up turns out.
My attorney friend Mary Harned of Americans United for Life has summarized in the AUL blog the key issues of concern for those of us concerned with life issues.
Dr. Charmaine Yoest, President of AUL, reports, "Currently, Sen. Baucus’s bill allows qualified health plans to provide coverage for all abortions and mandates that at least one plan in each state exchange provide coverage of all abortions.  Thankfully, we have another chance to protect and defend life in health care reform.
Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) has filed several amendments that would prevent government funding for abortion and would protect current conscience laws for health professionals."
Here are the pro-life amendments being considered for a vote Tuesday, Sep. 29:
  • Hatch Amdt. #C14 (355): Prohibits authorized or appropriated federal funds under this bill from being used for elective abortions and plans that cover such abortions. 
  • Hatch Amdt. #C13 (354): Protection for the right of conscience.
  • Hatch Amdt. #C12 (353): Prohibits federal funds under this bill from being used to pay for assisted suicide and offers conscience protections to providers or plans refusing to offer assisted suicide services.
What can you do? CALL the Finance Committee Senators today and urge them to support Sen. Hatch’s amendments to exclude abortion funding & protect conscience rights for health workers:

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