Washington, DC, February 7, 2018—The 19,000-member Christian
Medical Association (CMA,
today lauded the administration's implementation of the new Protecting Life in
Global Health Assistance policy.
Jonathan Imbody, CMA Vice President for Government Relations,
said the policy is "effectively advancing human rights consistent with the
values of the American people and the aims of US foreign health aid, by
ensuring that all global health assistance tax dollars will be used to
save lives and promote health and welfare for all."
The CMA's comments came as the administration at 5 p.m. today rolled
out a
review of the implementation of the policy, formerly known as the Mexico
City Policy. The report indicated a smooth transition to the new policy for most
recipients of federal grants: "Nearly all prime partners that have had the
opportunity to accept the policy have done so; prime partners declined to sign
in only four instances out of 733 awards."
Imbody continued, "Under this administration's new policy,
no longer are American values and tax dollars subverted by organizations with
contradictory principles and counterproductive programs. The new policy
requires and restores consistency with lifesaving programs and American values
and also enables and enhances partnerships between the American people and
effective, life-honoring organizations overseas.
"For too many years under previous administrations, US
global health assistance contradicted our national commitment to universal
human rights and dignity, by fueling the work of foreign organizations that
perform and/or promote abortion as a method of family planning. Contrary to
American principles of inalienable human rights and dignity for all, these
foreign organizations treat some human lives as mere property for disposal and
destruction at will.
"This life-honoring policy, by contrast,
advances a view of human dignity and human rights that honors each and every
human being—whether already born or waiting to be born--as invaluable
individuals created in God's image and worthy of honor and protection."