Monday, April 29, 2013

CMA submits to Dept. of Homeland Security a plan to fight human trafficking

I just submitted to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security the following analysis, with recommendations, of the government's comprehensive plan to fight human trafficking, or modern-day slavery. If you agree with our recommendation, please visit the government web page at and vote for our comment. Thank you.

Re: Strategic Action Plan - Human Trafficking Victim Services

The Christian Medical Association (CMA) agrees with the four overall goals of the Federal Strategic Action Plan on Services for Victims of Human Trafficking in the United States, 2013-2017 and applauds this comprehensive effort. Fighting human trafficking within the United States hinges on increased coordination and collaboration within all affected federal agencies as well as with nongovernmental organizations, including faith-based NGOs. 
Studies suggest that a significant percentage of victims of human trafficking will visit healthcare professionals, yet virtually none is reported as a result. Several federal agencies, recognizing this gap, have produced general guidelines for health professionals.
However, existing government materials in this area are not adequate to fully engage health professionals in the ways that physicians, nurses and other medical professionals are used to obtaining education--which is through medical institutions, organizations and specialty colleges (e.g., American Medical Association, American Academy of Emergency Physicians, American College of Physicians, Christian Medical Association, etc.).
For this reason, CMA members with extensive experience in human trafficking projects have been raising awareness of the issue of human trafficking among healthcare professionals. Besides conducting medical missions, which provides our members with first-hand experience  treating victims, CMA has also produced comprehensive online education modules that carry Continuing Medical Education (CME) Category One credit. These training resources ( are helping healthcare professionals (a) to grasp and understand the causes and effects of human trafficking and (b) to identify victims of human trafficking within the healthcare setting. CMA's courses provide an example of how hundreds of thousands of health professionals can be reached through medical specialty colleges and organizations.
CMA agrees with the Plan's goal to improve short and long term health outcomes of victims of human trafficking and also supports the goal of expanding access to services, recognizing that there is a dearth of specialized services required by victims of human trafficking. Through medical missions to trafficking victims and online training resources, CMA has been mobilizing 16,000 members to recognize, report and provide necessary medical and dental services to these traumatized victims.


1.     Federal agencies tasked with developing awareness raising resources should make use of existing resources, such as those offered by CMA, for the healthcare community. Agencies such as ACF can greatly increase awareness by disseminating such resources widely to the healthcare community and offering them as templates for additional resources.
2.     To assist in meeting Objective 6 outlined in the Plan, with minimal funding CMA would be able to establish a nationwide "train the trainers" program that would prepare, equip and train healthcare professionals from across the United States who would in turn train healthcare professionals in their community to identify victims of human trafficking.
3.     Engaging medical specialty colleges provides an opportunity to reach hundreds of thousands of medical professionals, most of whom belong to and rely on medical specialty colleges for education. Hold a one-day White House human trafficking conference for leaders of national medical specialty colleges and other key medical organizations. Review existing resources and data, demonstrating how medical organizations themselves can raise awareness among and mobilize their members by providing educational resources similar to those produced by CMA.
Thank you for your consideration of these views, and for your initiative and commitment to eradicating human trafficking. We would be happy to discuss any of the recommendations further with appropriate officials.

Jeffrey J. Barrows, D.O., M.A. (Bioethics)
Health Consultant, Human Trafficking
Christian Medical Association

Jonathan Imbody
Vice President for Government Relations
Christian Medical Association
Director, Freedom2Care

Undercover videos of abortion clinics reveal horrors like those highlighted in Gosnell abortionist trial

As mainstream media finally begin to cover the abortion clinic atrocities highlighted in the trial of Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell, a new series of videos suggests those horrors are not limited to one clinic.
Live Action has released the second of a series of videos as a part of their “Inhuman” educational initiative, a six-month investigation into late-term U.S. abortion clinics.  
A Washington, DC Doctor admits he would allow a baby born alive to die, explains how he cuts the umbilical cord and says he  “would not resuscitate” a baby born alive after a failed abortion.  
The undercover videos at a Bronx clinic reveal staff discussing how a baby born moving or breathing after a failed abortion would be put in a jar of toxic solution and left to die.
Live Action plans to release yet more videos over the next two weeks.

Learn more:

See Media Coverage:

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Congress highlights Gosnell abortion clinic, infanticide horrors

Eighteen Members of Congress recently went to the House Floor to speak out about abortionist Kermit Gosnell.  These speeches were organized by Rep. Marlin Stuzman (R-IN) and were delivered during designated times when Members are given one minute to speak on the subject of their choice. A video playlist can be viewed here and each speech is linked below.

Rep. Diane Black (@RepDianeBlack)
Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (@RosLehtinen)
Rep. Bill Johnson (R-OH) (@RepBillJohnson)
Rep. Dennis Ross (R-FL) (@RepDennisRoss)
Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) (@RepChrisSmith)
Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-KS) (@CongHuelskamp)
Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE) (@JeffFortenberry)
Rep. Keith Rothfus (R-PA) (@KeithRothfus)
Rep. Todd Rokita (R-IN) (@ToddRokita)
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) (@MicheleBachmann)
Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) (@SteveScalise)
Rep. Tim Walberg (R-MI) (@RepWalberg)
Rep. Phil Roe (R-TN) (@DrPhilRoe)
Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) (@RepScottPerry)

Friday, April 12, 2013

Congress highlights atrocities committed against babies born alive

Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) yesterday led a Special Order on the floor of the House of Representatives to draw attention to Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell and the failure of the national media to cover his trial.  

Gosnell is being tried for eight counts of murder--one for the death of an adult woman who underwent an abortion at his clinic and seven for the deaths of newborn babies who survived their abortion, but were then killed when Gosnell or his staff "snipped" their spines.  From the Grand Jury report: 
"Gosnell had a simple solution for unwanted babies: he killed them.  He didn't call it that.  He called it 'ensuring fetal demise.'  The way he ensured fetal demise was by sticking scissors in the back of the baby's neck and cutting the spinal cord.  He called that 'snipping.' Over the years there were hundreds of 'snippings.'"

Over 1.2 million unborn children die in abortions every year in the United States. 

The following Members spoke about the Gosnell trial on the House floor:

Rep. Chris Smith Video Part 1Video Part 2; Speech Text (‏@RepChrisSmith)
Rep. Vicky Hartzler Video (@RepHartzler)
Rep. John Fleming Video (@RepFleming)
Rep. Joe Pitts Video (@RepJoePitts)
Rep. Scott Garrett Video (@RepGarrett)
Rep. Andy Harris Video (@RepAndyHarrisMD)
Rep. Marlin Stutzman Video; Press release here (@RepStutzman)
Rep. Keith Rothfus Video (@KeithRothfus)
Rep. Roger Williams Video (@RepRWilliams)
Rep. Scott Perry Video (@RepScottPerry)
Link to entire playlist of videos here

Friday, April 5, 2013

3 days till deadline to tell administration to protect religious liberty, conscience rights

The Obama administration is mandating that most employers and individuals participate--regardless of their moral or ethical convictions--in the provision of contraceptives, sterilizations and pills that the FDA notes may end the early life of a developing human being.
Here's what you can do to voice your values:
·      Click here to use our pre-written, customizable form to tell the administration why this mandate is wrong and should be stopped.
Deadline is Monday, April 8.
To learn more about this violation of American freedom of religion and conscience, visit:

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