The U.S. Senate will likely consider the following pro-life measures, possibly as early as today. Use the Freedom2Care Legislative Action Center to urge your senators to support these measures:
Summary: This amendment expresses the Sense of the Senate that legislation should be enacted to require that an abortionist, before performing an abortion on a minor from a different state, must first notify one parent, unless the minor is the victim of sexual abuse or faces a life-endangering emergency, or has received permission from a court. Further, it says that legislation should be enacted to make it a federal crime to transport a minor across a state line in circumvention of a state law requiring parental involvement in the minor's abortion.
Summary: This amendment expresses the Sense of the Senate regarding the abortion of pain-capable unborn children in the District of Columbia. As you may know, the DC Council repealed all limits on abortion, therefore making abortion legal for any reason to the moment of birth. The amendment states that abortion should be unlawful past 20 weeks fetal age (also referred to as 20 weeks post-fertilization age), except if necessary to save the life of the mother.
Summary: This amendment expresses the Sense of the Senate that legislation should be enacted to ban sex-selection abortions in the United States. There are now four studies from liberal academic institutions proving sex-selection in the U.S.: U.C. Berkeley, U. of Texas, U. of Connecticut, and Columbia University, whose 2008 report found that there is "strong son bias" within selected American communities as revealed in census data and "clear evidence of sex-selection, most likely at the prenatal stage." The victims of sex-selection abortion are overwhelmingly female, and most sex-selection abortions are grisly, later-term abortions, likely occurring after the child becomes "pain-capable." The United States is believed to be the only advanced country that does not restrict sex-selection through law. Sex-selection abortion bans consistently poll between 86% and 93% positively, making this initiative the most widely supported of all pro-life efforts.
Use the Freedom2Care Legislative Action Center to urge your senators to support these measures. Just call and say the following message, or copy and paste this text into your email:
I respectfully urge you to support the following amendments: Senator Rubio’s Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act, Senator Lee’s District of Columbia Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and Senator Vitter’s Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act. Thank you.