Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Obamacare was a Jacobinic revolution steeped in radical ideology, political corruption and conscience-trampling coercion

A Congressional Budget Office finding that Obamacare may cause up to 20 million Americans to lose their employer-provided health insurance should prompt Congress to scrap Obamacare's radical and reckless intrusion of government into health care--regardless of the Supreme Court's ruling.
Start by increasing competition and lowering costs, by allowing consumers to shop for health insurance across state lines like they do for car insurance. Cut Medicare fraud and waste while reasonably reimbursing physicians to enable them to care for Medicare patients.
Malpractice reform, bureaucracy reduction and conscience protections can stanch the hemorrhage from medicine of physicians who are worn out by outrageous lawsuits, by overweening bureaucracy that marginalizes their professional judgment, and by discrimination and job loss for following life-honoring standards of medical ethics.
Obamacare was a Jacobinic revolution steeped in radical ideology, political corruption and conscience-trampling coercion. Americans want and deserve a democratic, pragmatic and conscience-honoring approach to health reform.

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