On Thursday, Feb. 16, 2012, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee
held a hearing titled, “Lines Crossed: Separation of Church and State. Has the
Obama Administration Trampled on Freedom of Religion and Freedom of
Conscience?” Written testimony and other resources are available
on the Committee’s website and this
report describes the hearing. Quotes from the witnesses are pasted below:
The Most Reverend William E. Lori, Roman Catholic Bishop of Bridgeport, CT, Chairman Ad
Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty, United States Conference of Catholic
“We serve people of all
faiths, and none because they are catholic, but because we are catholic and our
faith prompts us to do it and it flows from what we believe, how we worship and
how we are to live. And so, we regard, for example, our catholic charities as
really an outgrowth of our discipleship of the Lord and our communion with one
another in the Lord and not a side business.”
deem this recent government mandate as an infringement upon the beliefs and
practices of various religious communities. Therefore, we voice our public
objections in solidarity with those who cherish their religious liberties. The
decision by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to require
virtually all health plans to comply with this mandate will have the effect of
forcing many religious organizations to choose between following the letter of
the law or operating within the framework of their religious tenets. We add our
voice to the long list of those who have championed their God-given right to
freely exercise their religious beliefs according to the dictates of their
faith, and to provide compassionate care and clear Christian witness to
society’s most vulnerable, without government encroachment.”
“I loathe the partisan
nature of this discussion….I’m here for one reason, I am here because there is
a narrow but very significant provision in HHS [regulations] that is I believe
is very dangerous to religious people with our kind of convictions and I
believe it’s also dangerous to any religious people who have unique
convictions, so that’s why I am here.”
"The policy is an
unconscionable intrusion by the state into the consciences of American
citizens. Contrary to portrayals in some of the popular media, this is not only
a Catholic issue. All people of faith—and even those who claim no faith—have a
stake in whether or not the government can violate the consciences of its
citizenry. Religious liberty and the freedom to obey one’s conscience is also
not just a Baptist issue. It is an American issue that is enshrined in our
founding documents.”
Rabbi Meir Soloveichik,Director of the Straus Center for Torah and Western Thought, Yeshiva
University, Associate Rabbi, Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun
“In refusing to extend religious liberty beyond the
parameters of what the administration chooses to deem religious conduct, the
administration denies people of faith the ability to define their religious
activity. Therefore, not only does the new regulation threaten religious
liberty in the narrow sense, in requiring Catholic communities to violate their
religious tenets, but also the administration impedes religious liberty by unilaterally
redefining what it means to be religious.”
“The President’s spokesman
recently when speaking about this subject said that what their concern is that
they don’t want religious employers or organization restricting access to
specific prescriptions etc. but of course those who have a religious objection
are not seeking in America to restrict their access to it, what they are
seeking is the freedom in their own right not to facilitate something that
violates the tenants of their own faith.”
Craig Mitchell, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Ethics Chair of the Ethics Department
Associate Director of the Richard Land Center for Cultural Engagement,
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
is the church that was responsible for the creation of hospitals. The church
was also responsible for much of the development of healthcare. With this kind
of history, it is ironic that the religious organizations should have their
rights crushed in the name of health care. If this is allowed to stand then
there is nothing that the U.S. government cannot compel its citizens to do.
Explain to me how all of this is consistent with the American ideal.”
Because there will be no added costs, religious institutions will not actually
have to pay for the mandated services. We might call this the Shazam Theory. It
resolves the intrusion on religious liberty by making the compelled
contributions magically disappear.”
a moral point of view, the administration’s cost savings don’t matter even if
they are real. When a student who is enrolled in our plan purchases
contraceptives at the local CVS pharmacy, CVS will seek payment from the
insurance company. The payment for that service will be charged to our account,
funded by our contributions. The Shazam Theory assumes that charges for other
drugs and services will go down as a result of contraceptive use. But it is
still true that the University and its subscribers are being forced to pay for
sterilizations, contraceptives, and abortions, and those are activities we view
as immoral.”
administration offered what it seemed to think was a nice gesture on January
20th, when it gave those religious organizations that do not qualify for the
exemption an extra year to comply.
extra year to learn how to violate our conscience and betray our deepest
religious principles. I’ve explained this as akin to being told, “We know you
use oxygen to breathe, so we’re going to
you an extra year to figure out how to breathe without it, and we hope by then
you’ve adapted.” Our religious beliefs and principles – and our freedom to
express them without government interference – are as importance to us as the
air we breathe. They are not something we are prepared to abandon in a year’s time
because the government says we have to.”
“This issue is not about
women’s health, it is about religious liberty. It is about whether the
government will force religious people and organizations to do something they
believe is wrong. Everyone here wants women to have access to good health care.
We are asking that our religious views be respected.”
“If the government can force Catholic monks to dispense birth
control, what can’t it do? If the government can decide that East Texas Baptist
University is not religious enough to have the right to religious liberty, what
can’t it do? If this administration can just decide that religious beliefs are
less important than its chosen policy goals, what can’t it do?
These questions are
frightening. And that is why religious organizations and people of will from
all across the spectrum are joining together out of concern that this mandate
threatens to erode one of our most precious rights, our religious liberty,
guaranteed to us by the First Amendment.”
“This debate is not about whether women have the right to
obtain these drugs. Rather, this debate is about whether those who believe that
contraceptives or abortifacients violate their religious convictions must pay
for them. There is a vast difference between the right to make a purchase for
oneself and requiring someone else to pay for it.”
when Americans hold vastly different views on the sanctity of life, this
mandate raises a point that should be examined by all: do we value religious
freedom in our country or not? Further, the mandate elevates contraception and
abortive drugs to the level of preventative health care. They are not. Plan B
and Ella should not be considered equivalent to cancer screening or
vaccinations. Pregnancy is not a disease. This is a premise that I reject both
religiously and medically.”
is not about politics, this is not about contraception, and this is not about
depriving women of health care. Rather, this is personal. This is about my
daily life as a physician, a Christian, and a Medical Services Director.
Whether I will be able as a physician to practice medicine within my belief
system. Whether Calvin College will be able to continue its historic tradition
of living out the faith it teaches. A government that is of the people, by the
people, and for the people, should not force the people to violate their