Below is my commentary published in the March 27 Washington Examiner:
Virginia joins other states passing pro-life legislation
Re: "Wave of anti-abortion bills advance in the states," March 24
A wave of popular pro-life legislation is sweeping across America. Bills have passed to enforce health and safety standards in abortion clinics (Virginia), ban late-term abortions (Kansas), address fetal pain (Idaho, Oklahoma and Alabama) and provide informed consent through sonograms (Florida).
Virginia will finally require abortion clinics to meet the same health and safety standards as similar surgical facilities that save patients rather than kill them. Abortion advocates vehemently protest that this would "entail higher costs and force several clinics to close," unwittingly conceding that they will tolerate health hazards in order to keep their cash-cow clinics open.
As evidence replaces propaganda and millions of postabortive women and men realize they have been deceived, public opinion in America has shifted dramatically to the pro-life side and reflects profound personal and cultural change, which can help turn the page to a new chapter of respect for all human life.
Photo note: Obtained from Priests for Life, which acknowledges Professor Andrzej Skawina (Collegium Medicum Jagiellonian University, Krakow) and Dr. Antoni Marsinek, MD (Czerwiakowski Gynecological and Obstetrics Hospital, Krakow) for making the image available, and the Zrodlo Foundation, Wychowawca Department, for the permission to use it.
Writings from a faith perspective, related to the beginning of life, education, end of life, healthcare, religious freedom and sexual issues.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
Medical students are focus of letter to HHS on conscience
This week, the Christian Medical Association, Catholic Medical Association, the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG), and Medical Students for Life are releasing a joint letter to U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and asking medical students to sign onto the letter before March 22.
The letter laments the administration's recent gutting of the only regulation protecting the exercise of conscience in health care. The letter also notes that apart from strong and clear conscience protections, "healthcare access for hundreds of thousands of patients nationwide will be threatened and healthcare costs will rise because of the lack of facilities to provide needed services."
The letter laments the administration's recent gutting of the only regulation protecting the exercise of conscience in health care. The letter also notes that apart from strong and clear conscience protections, "healthcare access for hundreds of thousands of patients nationwide will be threatened and healthcare costs will rise because of the lack of facilities to provide needed services."
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Obama's gutting of conscience reg shows about as much "nuance" as a sledge hammer
The following Op-Ed appeared in the National Right to Life News:
Bogus Attempt to Defend Obama Administration’s Decision to Gut Healthcare Conscience Regulation
By Jonathan Imbody
Writing in the Huffington Post, Third Way executive Lanae Erickson tries to make the case with a straight face that the Obama administration's gutting of the only federal regulation protecting pro-life physicians illustrates "the nuanced, respectful, common-ground approach that President Obama and his administration have long taken on the divisive issue of abortion." She contrasts that with the "myopic approach illustrated by the House attack on Planned Parenthood."
In fact, there is hardly enough "common ground" in the Obama administration's approach to abortion and conscience for a single pro-life healthcare professional to stand on.
Over the past three decades, Congress has carefully passed--on a truly common-ground, bipartisan basis--three conscience-protecting civil rights laws to protect the broad exercise of conscience liberties in healthcare.
As Thomas Jefferson expressed the views of our founders on protecting the broad exercise of such civil rights, "The rights of conscience we never submitted, we could not submit. We are answerable for them to our God."
Yet President Obama's pro-abortion Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) stripped those conscience protections down to the most un-nuanced, ideologically partisan and myopic interpretation possible of existing civil rights laws.
Incredibly citing a need to correct confusion allegedly caused by a 2008 conscience-protecting regulation, the administration eliminated the very definitions in that regulation that provided clear and concrete objective application of the civil rights laws. Those definitions included what constitutes "discrimination"; what it means to "assist in the performance of abortion"; what is a “health care entity” and who within a healthcare institution “workforce” enjoys protection under the law. Without those definitions, the pro-abortion Obama administration now claims sole discretion to subjectively decide all these questions for pro-life healthcare professionals.
Good luck with that.
Lanae Erickson also repeats the administration's bizarre rationale that the 2008 conscience regulation had to go because conscience laws are not designed to shield "someone who doesn't want to give medical treatment to gay people or another group whose behavior they simply don't like."
Well, of course the laws don't allow such discrimination, the 2008 regulation never suggested the laws allowed it, and virtually no one in medicine holds such a view. In fact, faith-based physicians are among those few remaining healthcare professionals who actually make it their life mission to treat AIDS patients, poor patients and patients in medically underserved areas and populations. The same conscience that prompts these professionals to protect human life at all stages of development also prompts them to care for the outcasts, the marginalized and the poor.
But such medical outreach will end if radical abortion ideologues have their way. Severely limiting conscience protections will force pro-life and faith-based professionals out of medicine. A national survey conducted by Freedom2Care revealed that 92 percent of faith-based physicians say they will leave medicine absent the conscience protections that protect them from discrimination and the pressure to do harm.
The only "common ground" that will avoid this catastrophe for poor and marginalized patients is to restore the broad conscience protections that our founders cherished and three decades of Congresses sought to implement through civil rights laws.
Bogus Attempt to Defend Obama Administration’s Decision to Gut Healthcare Conscience Regulation
By Jonathan Imbody
Writing in the Huffington Post, Third Way executive Lanae Erickson tries to make the case with a straight face that the Obama administration's gutting of the only federal regulation protecting pro-life physicians illustrates "the nuanced, respectful, common-ground approach that President Obama and his administration have long taken on the divisive issue of abortion." She contrasts that with the "myopic approach illustrated by the House attack on Planned Parenthood."
In fact, there is hardly enough "common ground" in the Obama administration's approach to abortion and conscience for a single pro-life healthcare professional to stand on.
Over the past three decades, Congress has carefully passed--on a truly common-ground, bipartisan basis--three conscience-protecting civil rights laws to protect the broad exercise of conscience liberties in healthcare.
As Thomas Jefferson expressed the views of our founders on protecting the broad exercise of such civil rights, "The rights of conscience we never submitted, we could not submit. We are answerable for them to our God."
Yet President Obama's pro-abortion Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) stripped those conscience protections down to the most un-nuanced, ideologically partisan and myopic interpretation possible of existing civil rights laws.
Incredibly citing a need to correct confusion allegedly caused by a 2008 conscience-protecting regulation, the administration eliminated the very definitions in that regulation that provided clear and concrete objective application of the civil rights laws. Those definitions included what constitutes "discrimination"; what it means to "assist in the performance of abortion"; what is a “health care entity” and who within a healthcare institution “workforce” enjoys protection under the law. Without those definitions, the pro-abortion Obama administration now claims sole discretion to subjectively decide all these questions for pro-life healthcare professionals.
Good luck with that.
Lanae Erickson also repeats the administration's bizarre rationale that the 2008 conscience regulation had to go because conscience laws are not designed to shield "someone who doesn't want to give medical treatment to gay people or another group whose behavior they simply don't like."
Well, of course the laws don't allow such discrimination, the 2008 regulation never suggested the laws allowed it, and virtually no one in medicine holds such a view. In fact, faith-based physicians are among those few remaining healthcare professionals who actually make it their life mission to treat AIDS patients, poor patients and patients in medically underserved areas and populations. The same conscience that prompts these professionals to protect human life at all stages of development also prompts them to care for the outcasts, the marginalized and the poor.
But such medical outreach will end if radical abortion ideologues have their way. Severely limiting conscience protections will force pro-life and faith-based professionals out of medicine. A national survey conducted by Freedom2Care revealed that 92 percent of faith-based physicians say they will leave medicine absent the conscience protections that protect them from discrimination and the pressure to do harm.
The only "common ground" that will avoid this catastrophe for poor and marginalized patients is to restore the broad conscience protections that our founders cherished and three decades of Congresses sought to implement through civil rights laws.
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